Parcel Contract Negotiation & Consulting Services

You could be paying less for UPS/FedEx services.
Use Lojistic to quantify your saving opportunity with our parcel contract negotiation services.

How Much Better Can Your Shipping Rates Be?

Offset UPS/FedEx rate increases with bigger discounts

Use your Lojistic account, enhanced by our shipping consulting experts, to evaluate the carriers’ rate increases
and quantify how much your current shipping contract can be improved.


Leverage Lojistic

Reinforce your UPS/FedEx negotiation process.

Seasoned strategies

Tailored words

Specific discount & fee insights

Custom analytics

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Lojistic Expert.

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What Can Lojistic Do to Lower My UPS & FedEx Costs?

We ensure you harness every potential competitive advantage through our parcel contract negotiation services and deep knowledge of logistics costing, empowering your business to significantly reduce your carrier rates. Your Lojistic account will highlight specific opportunities where you can save on shipping rates. Our parcel negotiation experts can help you take advantage of those savings.

Every Shipper Is Unique - And So Is The Rate You Pay UPS & FedEx

Shipping characteristics like volume, package sizes & weights, service requirements, geographic zones, etc., all factor into the discounts your carriers will offer you.

Your Lojistic account “accounts for” all the unique elements of “you” when quantifying your opportunities to save. Leverage the attractive elements of your shipping profile and acute knowledge of what incentives are possible to get the best FedEx and UPS shipping rates.

The shipping consulting team at Lojistic has been helping businesses (large and small) achieve remarkable improvements to their carrier contracts for around two decades, offering a wide range of actionable insights tailored to reducing shipping costs and optimizing operations.

Data + Emotion + Expertise = Improved UPS & FedEx Rates

Your Lojistic account will illuminate actionable insights and savings. Our team will help you achieve them.

The Advantage Of Data

We help you understand how (and to what degree) your current rates can be improved. An intimate knowledge of your unique shipping characteristics, a keen awareness of the levers that can be pulled within a FedEx/UPS shipping contract and aggressive (and realistic) pricing objectives organized around a clear negotiation strategy… that’s the formula to lower your UPS and FedEx shipping rates.

Inspire Emotions

Your current carrier needs to believe it’s possible to lose your business. Competing carriers need to believe it’s possible to win it. Your negotiation process with the carriers should provoke excitement (of winning) and fear (of losing). Since UPS and FedEx are very familiar with each other’s pricing capabilities, there are certain words and strategies that will inspire the emotion necessary to get their sales and pricing teams to make big moves.

Leverage Lojistic Expertise

Incorporate our expertise into your negotiation game plan and let us help you win. Our team of experts is made up of former UPS and FedEx pricing gurus. We have an intimate understanding of the internal roles, mindsets and incentives of the people involved at UPS and FedEx when a shipping contract is being negotiated.

You Might Be Thinking...

"But, I Can Negotiate
Carrier Rates By Myself..."

That’s good!...because we’re not replacing you!

Our team of experts becomes an addition to your team. Since we do this every day, we’re betting that we’ll be able to help you accomplish even more savings... our compensation depends on it!

Get Lojistic in your corner
"But, I Already Have
Great Shipping Rates..."

Possibly. Compared to what though?

Your Lojistic account makes it extremely easy to quantify your opportunity to improve shipping rates. No joke... we’ve helped lots of multi-million dollar shippers get savings of more than 40% that already had "great rates."

Improve your rates
"But, I Don’t Want To Ruin
My Carrier Relationship..."

You won’t.

You’re in control of the process just like always. But don’t let us convince you... speak to our other clients!

See what others are saying

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